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Program Recognized by ME/CFS Doctors

[Last updated July 31, 2021]

We are grateful to the US ME/CFS Clinician Coalition, a group of American doctors who specialize in ME/CFS, for the four-fold recognition they have given our program over the last four years.

In 2018, an article on the group in the medical news service Medscape included the statement “universally viewed [by the doctors] as critical for primary management of ME/CFS is the concept of adaptive pacing.... One helpful website to offer patients is the CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help Program.”

Second, the Coalition later recommended another one of our websites in its six-page guide for primary care physicians. Material on pacing that we developed with Dr. Charles Lapp is listed as a resource in the guide.

Third, a link to our material on pacing is the only resource on pacing listed on the Coalition's own website.

Most recently, the Coalition released its treatment recommendations. Our Pacing Tutorial was recommended in the section devoted to non-drug therapies.

[Note: In addition to the material recommended by the Coalition, our resources on pacing include the Pacing section of our Library.]