Join The
Next Introductory Class

Register now for classes that begin on Oct 7, 2024. Registration closes on September 30, 2024. Cost: $20.00.




Articles About Our Program

Got Fibromyalgia? There's a Class for That... 
An article describing our Introductory course and the author's experience with it. Originally published on the National Pain Report.

Inside a Self-Help Group 
An account by a member of our course for learning pacing. The author writes: "What I see is remarkable and exciting: We're all getting better!"

Self-Help for CFIDS and Fibromyalgia 
Gives an overview of our introductory self-help course plus quotes from participants, including the article's author, Lisa Lorden Myers. 
Support For Changing Our Lifestyle 
Describes our first online class. (First published in the CFIDS Chronicle.)