Join The Next Introductory Class

Register now for classes that begin on April 7, 2025. Registration closes on March 31, 2025. Cost: $20.00.


Course Moderators

Our groups are led by trained volunteers, all of whom are graduates of our course and ME/CFS or fibromyalgia patients. They are (listed alphabetically):

Beatrice D.

Beatrice is an introductory class moderator. She is ?an American living in Paris and has been a ME/CFS patient for more than 25years. While still in the US, she co-led an in-person CFS support group. In France, she has taught English as a second language for eight years. She is the author of a success story. She has been part of our program since 1999.

Catherine Evans

Catherine is an introductory class moderator and ME/CFS patient from Australia. Her illness in 2005 caused a sharp career change from agricultural scientist to graphic designer and writer. She’s learning to limit her compulsive volunteering and says the program has helped her to learn the words “No, thanks” and “I can’t right now”. She joined the program in 2007.

Linda Ferriter

Linda is an introductory class moderator from the countryside of East Sussex, United Kingdom. She has had Fibromyalgia with ME/CFS since 2004 and retired as Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in 2007. Linda says the strategies she learned after joining our program in 2006 have been invaluable for a happy, fulfilled life within her limitations.

Kris Nichols

Kris is an introductory class moderator, director of training, and together with Margaret Walker, Co-Executive Director of our program. She hails from Wisconsin and was a utility company engineering executive forced to retire in 2009 due to the complications of ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and orthostatic intolerance. She joined our program in 2009. (Learn more here.)

Sharyn Smith

Sharyn is the moderator of our alumni group forums. A fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain (CMP) syndrome patient, she lives in Oregon. Her CMP was diagnosed in 1995, her fibromyalgia in 2000. She took early retirement from the college teaching of computer applications in 2006, but continues to teach on a part-time basis. She joined us in 2004.

Bianca Veness

Bianca moderates our logging tutorial. She is a ME/CFS patient from Australia who became ill as a teenager. She has been involved with patient organizations, magazines, and fundraisers for ME/CFS. She is the author of three success stories. She has been part of our program since 2002 and says our program has helped her reduce her symptoms and live well with chronic illness.

Margaret Walker

Margaret is the moderator of the Living Your Plan groups, and together with Kris Nichols, Co-Executive Director of our program. She retired from a career in education that included being a school principal, teacher, district-level special education consultant, and college lecturer. She has been with us since 2011 and lives in Nebraska. (Learn more here.)